Wednesday, May 28, 2008

BBC Headlines: Cake Poison Woman

I'm sure when Carlos Santana penned his magnum opus, "Black Magic Woman", he never imagined that I'd be sitting at my desk humming the tune to the BBC headline about the "Cake Poison Woman."

I've been following her saga since April 2nd, when I learned that the Cake poison woman pleads guilty. (Please note the picture of the cake in question, plus the caption which informs you that "blobs of the poison are clearly visible in the cake.")

Well, today our long transatlantic nightmare finally comes to a close. "Poison cake woman spared prison"! Hurrah! Details are here.

Sadly, no more pictures of the cake in question and its little green blobs.

1 comment:

Kewal Hausmann said...

I need to start a band and call it Poison Globs.